Sunday, February 11, 2007

Happy Hour

Barry and Jonathan invited me to join them and their coworkers for something called "Happy Hour" earlier this week. From the name, I thought there might be silly games or show tunes or maybe strippers making balloon animals. Turns out it wasn't quite what I expected. We had a good time though.

There were big glasses of beer and lots of fried food - onion rings, potato skins, and I tried calamari for the first time even though the tentacles were kind of creepy. I think the pint of beer I drank beforehand helped me get over those heebie-jeebies.

Turns out that playing video game golf is just as boring as watching it on TV, even with a good beer buzz. Do they ever have cool video games at bars?

The video games may have been less than captivating, but learning how to play pool was lots of fun. I think my favorite part was racking up the balls at the beginning.

I actually won one of the games! Maybe I'll quit my job and become a smooth-talking pool shark. I'll have to buy some slick shades, and maybe a leather jacket....

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