Monday, March 19, 2007

a trip to the mall

Even with a built-in fur coat t's just been too damn cold to go without clothes lately. So I took a jaunt down to the local mall and did a little bit of shopping. Man, what a crowd! I was almost trampled at least three times. That's the last time I go to the mall on a Friday night.

I thought the shoes looked rather dashing and made me feel a little bit like a swashbuckler, but wearing them was a mite too awkward. I don't think wombats are quite far enough along in the evolutionary chain to walk on our hind legs.

This shade of green is a marvelous on me, don't you think? It's just too bad I couldn't find one of these in my size.

I made a new friend! And she's not even *that* much taller than me. She wouldn't tell me what happened to her that she had to wear so many bandages, but she was awful sweet and helped me look for clothes. She even gave me her email address. Score!

After tramping the entire massive length of the shopping mall, I finally found a store that had clothes for little guys! The cool stuff wasn't quite the right size though, and I didn't much fancy wearing a tutu or sequined bathrobe.

This is the one thing I saw all day that really tempted me - it was a perfect fit, and doesn't it bring out the sparkle in my beady eyes? I came so close to buying it, but in the end decided that buying the necklace would mean I'd have to buy a whole new outfit to go with it, and sadly that sort of expenditure just isn't it my budget at the mo'. Someday though, someday...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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